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[发表时间]:2016-06-20 [来源]: [浏览次数]: 861

    主   题:Perception Biases in Land Use Changes and Linkage with Actual Land Use Decisions.

    主讲人: 封洪丽博士

    摘   要:Individuals make decisions based on their perception of circumstances more than the actual circumstances. Yet a large literature has shown that perceptions are not always consistent with the reality and can have significant impacts on behaviors. Perception biases documented in the literature often pertain to subject matters that are difficult to observe or measure like risks of natural disasters and returns to educational investments. In this paper, we study perception biases with respect to an indicator that is very concrete and can be objectively measured—land use changes in a local area. Land use changes are a major issue around the globe because of their substantial impacts on ecosystems. Despite its potential significance, how perception of land use changes compared to objective measurements has received little attention. In this paper, we start to fill this gap with a farmer survey and satellite land use data.

    关于主讲人:封洪丽,毕业于爱荷华州立大学(Iowa State University),其研究领域包括:环境与资源经济学、农业经济学。



